Archives for the Month of March, 2011

Orange Vanilla Marmalade

Earlier this month, I was lucky enough to receive some lovely homegrown navel oranges fresh from my mother’s tree.  One of the perks of living in Florida!  I used Ashley English’s recipe for Orange Vanilla Marmalade, and after tasting the first bite of marmalade, I found myself directly in the kitchen chopping oranges for a […]

More Sickness and Yellow Stripes

I’m sure you know that the progress on this sweater can mean only one thing: The Boy unfortunately came down with The Girl’s flu.  For some reason the Daddy Monkey and I have been spared (so far, anyway) and for that I am extremely grateful. <repeats to self> I am healthy, I am healthy, I […]

Sickness Strikes Again and Lots of Knitting

The Girl was afflicted with a serious stomach virus over the weekend.  She’s still feeling weak and moving slow, but I think she’s on the mend…finally.  And I didn’t really pop in here to write about that (although it will explain my absence from this space over the last few days).  The silver lining on […]

Kitchen Rugs

Here are the rugs I hinted about.  I really love them.  The instructions can be found in the book Patchwork Style by Suzuko Koseki.  (The same book I used to make these two little purses.) Made entirely of patchwork from my stash.  I am really mindful of trying to use what I have lately.  Again […]


It is such a small thing that it hardly deserves blogging, but I’ve been making these knitted dishcloths and I’m really liking them.  I made an enormous ball of tulle-yarn and I probably have enough to make about a thousand of these.  Which is exactly how many I want. I’ve lately been thinking about practical […]

Another Pink Sweater

What can I say?  My girl likes pink.  This yarn is a silk and cotton blend from The Infamous Stash, and the pattern is here.  This was a fun and incredibly easy pattern.  I plan on making lots more of these in wool for next winter.  I see it layered with a long sleeved top […]

Spring Busyness

Oh hello there.  I’m still around.  Been spending as much time as humanly possible outside.  And when I’m not outside enjoying spring, I’m inside reading with the kids, or sewing.  I’ve been busy. Really busy. I’ve got spring fever something fierce. I’ve given my kitchen a makeover. I’ve made progress on my Spring Wardrobe Project–two […]