summer nature table
Monday, 24 September 2012
This summer went by in a blur. I’m always glad to have these little records of where we were and what we did. Always amazed and humbled that these little collections have become such an important part of life. Each little treasure brought to me and stashed in my knitting bag until we get home.
I really do long for a life in which we live more in-touch with the seasons. I can’t remember the last time I saw the leaves change. Here in the tropics, it’s hard to find the line between summer and autumn. But with the nature table, it becomes obvious.
So glad that autumn is upon us.
p.s. Don’t forget this pumpkin custard recipe. It’s always in heavy rotation this time of year. And this equinox celebration, over at Nourished Kitchen is not to be missed. Wish I could have been there. It sounds amazing.
No. 1 — September 25th, 2012 at 12:44 am
I admire your patience! The table is beautiful! :)