No sooner had I written that last post, than my grandmother passed away. I don’t usually like to talk about such personal things in this space, but I feel so compelled to do something. Grief. It has hovered over my home so much in the last year, I can hardly breathe from its heavy burden. […]
If this blog were a journal, I’d be buying a new Moleskine. I used to beat myself up for not finishing journals. And then I realized that sometimes, I just outgrow them. That sometimes, I was not the same person who had started the journal and that I just needed a fresh start. I’ve been […]
My name is Rose. I am a stitcher, painter, knitter, spinner, quilter, cook, homeschooler, and mother. I find myself saying, "I could make that," way too many times in a day. I fantasize about making every item in my house, from dishes and cups to furniture, blankets, and clothes. My loves are chocolate, mary jane shoes, and yarn shops. I have two Laughing Monkeys at home: The Boy, 9 and The Girl, 6. I share them with the love of my life, The Daddy Monkey.