Archives for the ‘Art’ Category

Finished / Unfinished

After all the time, and all the fuss that was made (or not made) over this painting, here it is, finished and in its frame.  I have so many thoughts and feelings tied up in this painting.  I started it in 2007, and had to stop working on it because I found out I was […]

Yesterday’s Progress

Here is what raw determination will get you in just one day.

I Painted Today

This was the scene in my dining room today.  While The Girl napped, I painted for the first time since I found out I was pregnant with her, over three years ago.  This is the painting I had to stop working on, and it has hung in my kitchen, unfinished, for three years. I hardly […]

The Quilts of Gee’s Bend

Last week I had the great pleasure of visiting a collection of quilts from The Gee’s Bend Collective, right in my very own town!  The Snail clued me in, and we decided to meet there (without kids!) for some mutual inspiration and adult company.  What a joy it was. The show was small, only ten […]

A Happy Birthday

What’s better than just a regular old Monday? When it’s your husband’s birthday and he takes the day off from work. What’s better than a day off from work? Free day at the art museum. What’s better than free day at the art museum? Having a special date…just the three of you…for the first time […]

I love you, France

Eiffel Tower, painted by me, November 2002 Dear France, I love you.  I love your language, I love your chefs, I love your crepes, and I love your music.  I love your films,  I love your perfume, I love your painters, and I love your flowers.  I love your icon, I love your fashion, I […]


Now that The Boy is in school and have more than three minutes a day to rest my brain, I have been spending more time on nurturing my creative spirit.  I read The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly and it’s been an amazing inspiration.  I cannot say enough good things about this book.  […]

The Boy Paints, and Thoughts of Peter

So many, many times have I tried to create art with The Boy.  I have come at it from every angle, I have tried every medium, I have begged, I have cajoled, and I have encouraged.  He does not care to participate.  As a stitcher and an artist, it saddens me to see him missing […]