I cannot believe I got this done so fast. I know some people can whip up a pair of socks in a few days, but I am not one of them. Some day maybe. I used Alyson Johnson’s Just Yer Basic Sport Sock pattern. It took me a while to find a basic, simple sock […]
Archives for the ‘Crafting for Myself’ Category
The First of Four
Monday, 9 March 2009
I have always wanted to make a quilt for each of the four seasons. I was just chatting with The Snail the other day and happened to mention this and she most enthusiastically replied, “that’s a great idea!” So of course that got me thinking. I’ve been buying these vintage sheets and pillowcases lately and the […]
Sock Progress
Thursday, 19 February 2009
On Knitting
Tuesday, 20 January 2009