Archives for the ‘Let’s Talk About Me’ Category

finding silence

  Oh. Hello. Here I am, after a long silence. Many times I said I was going to be back. Life is complicated, what can I say? As my dear wise friend The Bird says, “Sometimes things have to fall apart so they can be rebuilt in a new and better way.” Or something like […]


I am trying to find the words to describe how I feel about these dolls. But let me start by saying there is a beautiful story that goes along with them. A dear friend of mine suffered an unthinkable loss recently. The day the terrible tragedy happened, I could hardly sit still. I was overwhelmed with […]

on forty, and a perfect dinner

  FORTY. I didn’t freak out in the way I did when I turned thirty. I feel so good and confident in my skin that I know forty can’t be all that bad. I threw myself a fabulous birthday party (more on that later), and I did some thinking. Thinking about what I want from […]

circle of life

No sooner had I written that last post, than my grandmother passed away. I don’t usually like to talk about such personal things in this space, but I feel so compelled to do something. Grief. It has hovered over my home so much in the last year, I can hardly breathe from its heavy burden. […]

gentle transformations

If this blog were a journal, I’d be buying a new Moleskine. I used to beat myself up for not finishing journals. And then I realized that sometimes, I just outgrow them. That sometimes, I was not the same person who had started the journal and that I just needed a fresh start. I’ve been […]

chicken weather is here

As I type this, it is 64 degrees outside. I know my Northern friends might laugh at that, but for those of us in the South, it is nice and chilly. I am not complaining one little bit. And it’s supposed to get down to 53 tonight! I have my wool socks on and my […]

on simplicity

I choose a simple life. Today my goal was to make candles, and I did. Sweet beeswax candles are one of my favorite things in the world. Apparently I’m fairly predictable on this candlemaking thing. It’s ironic that I live in the midst of a busy downtown neighborhood. Cars whiz past our house all day […]

finding joy

Life has been rough this year. And lately I’m finding myself wallowing around in it.  I’ve been here before, and I recognize the space I’m in. I was really feeling sorry for myself, and I remembered this post by Erin at Bluebirdbaby. It sums up how I feel right now. Erin says, “Everyday, heck…every second, […]

The Word of the Year :: 2012

I’m here to talk about the Word of the Year, but first I think I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about these cinnamon rolls. On a whim, I made them for Christmas morning, then again for New Year’s Day (today).  They have changed my life, in a very bad way because now […]

I Love the Sky

I’ve always been a great sky lover.  It’s always changing.  Always different. Always beautiful. It’s one of my favorite things in the whole world.  When things are making me crazy, I like to look up at the sky. Kind of ironic, being grounded by the sky.