Archives for the ‘Natural Parenting’ Category

love stones

Back when we were preparing for our Paris trip, I made these stones for the kids. It was to be the longest we had been away from each other, and I was a bit concerned about them getting homesick or missing Mom and Dad. I simply took two lovely smooth stones and painted on them […]


We were sick just a few weeks ago.  Just a little cold virus.  It took a while to make its way through the whole family.  Then just as we were all getting better, another one came.  I am really glad I had these dried elderberries stashed away.  Using this video, I made some elderberry syrup.  […]

Spring Nature Table

Celebrating Fall :: Day 2 :: Michaelmas

I had been wanting to celebrate Michaelmas with the kids since I first read about it, thinking it would be a great fit for The Boy, who has always had a passion for all things knightly.  Since I learned my lesson to not try to cram it all into one day like I did with […]

Celebrating Fall :: Day 1

Fall seems a long way off down here in Florida.  I know that if I am patient, it will arrive eventually.  So here I wait.  I cleared off the summer nature table yesterday.  I replaced the sunny yellow silk with an autumnal orange one.  A small pumpkin, a handmade (hibernating) bear and a few pinecones […]

The Place Where Magic Lives

It’s amazing what tiny things you notice when you are only 35 inches tall.  The Girl found these hidden in our backyard under a much larger plant.  They were entirely invisible from my point of view. “Look Mama, it’s magic!” she told me. If only I could manage to stay in that place (literally and […]

On Being a Radical Homemaker

I’m reading the book Radical Homemakers by Shannon Hayes right now, and I couldn’t even wait until it was finished to talk about it here.  It has my brain positively buzzing.  In a good way. For those of you who haven’t read it (it seems to be all over the blogosphere right now), it’s about […]

Simplicity Parenting

I love this book.  No other parenting book has ever spoken to me in a way that so completely embodies the kind of parent I want to be.  I read through it, marking many, many pages, and I plan to go through it again with a fine tooth comb, so to speak. I don’t really […]

On Napping

Since writing about sleep and rest yesterday, I have been thinking about napping.  We are big nappers in our house.  The Boy napped until age four, and I can still get him to occasionally take a nap with me.  The Girl still naps every day, and I hope she will continue to nap for as […]


Since we are now honoring more yearly rhythms in our family, (and really, who needs an excuse to celebrate?) we celebrated Candlemas/Imbolc/Groundhog Day yesterday.  Even though our celebration borrows a bit from many traditions, I have chosen to simply call it Candlemas.  Candlemas is a cross-quarter holiday, which means it falls at the midpoint between […]