Archives for the ‘Pleasures of the Table’ Category

Steak au Poivre

Last Saturday, I cooked a steak for the very first time. Romantic Dinner for Two Harthill Farm Cabernet Sauvignon New York Strip Steak au Poivre Organic Green Beans Ina’s Potatoes Organic Spinach and Romaine Salad with Fig Vinaigrette Ghirardelli Twilight Delight Chocolate I was curious to try the method from Julia and Jacques Cooking at […]

Frittata with Gazpacho

The Monkeys and I were at a playdate late into the afternoon yesterday, and I since I didn’t have much time to make dinner, I made a big stack of buttermilk pancakes for The Monkeys and The Daddy.  I would love to eat pancakes for dinner, but it would leave me with a headache the […]

Le Creuset I Love You!

I found this incredible Le Creuset pan at the Goodwill for $6!!  I nearly had a heart attack when I found it.  I don’t know how much it cost originally because I’m unable to find it online, but these pans are not cheap.  Who would give this to the Goodwill?! Before I had this pan, […]

Julia, I Still Love You

I went with two dear friends to see “Julie & Julia” on Saturday afternoon.   It was so thoroughly charming, funny, and touching.  I loved it.  Meryl Streep’s portrayal of Julia Child was brilliant, the kitchen scenes were to die for, and the dialogue about blogging rang so true to what a fun little ride blogging […]

Summer Meal for My Loved Ones

My dad and his wife were in town for a visit this past weekend.  It’s been almost a year since we’ve had a nice long visit with them, and it was wonderful to see them.  The kids were so thrilled to see their grandparents, and the Daddy Monkey and I were thrilled to be offered […]

Pleasure Overload

Here’s this week’s Date Night menu: Smoking Loon Cabernet Sauvignon Duck Breasts with Mushrooms Mashed Potatoes Steamed Carrots Fresh Organic Greens with Balsamic Honey Vinaigrette Lindt Chili Chocolate My bastardized duck recipe is based on the one in Paula Wolfert’s Cooking of South-West France.  The first time I ever cooked duck it was from this […]

Fruit Gelatin

I remember so well the Jello of my youth.  I loved the stuff. But I don’t really want to feed my kids what is basically artificially flavored and artificially colored sweetened water.  The Boy came home one day asking if I knew how to make Jello. Of course I do! This is a great treat […]

See You Soon, Farm

I’ve spoken before about how much I love our local organic farm.   They’ve had their last stand days until August, and I am going to miss them! I suppose that they are having their off-season since it is so very hot here in the south this time of year. The soil needs to lie fallow […]

Pickle Fest ’09

Once upon a time many years ago, my mom made homemade pickles.  They blew me away and I’ve been wanting them ever since.  I’ve been on a quest for decent pickles for a while now, to no avail.  Why do the pickles at the store have to have preservatives in them?  Isn’t the fact that […]

Date Night Dinner

I got lucky at the grocery store, and found lamb chops for $9.99 a pound instead of the usual $19.99 a pound. Saturday’s Grownup Date Night menu: Smoking Loon Cabernet Sauvignon Broiled Lamb Chops with Lemon Zest, Garlic, and Rosemary Yukon Gold Potatoes with Dill Broiled Zucchini, Yellow Squash, and Onion Fresh Organic Greens and […]