Archives for the ‘Pleasures of the Table’ Category

At Least the Kitchen is Warm

Winter finally found its way here to The South.  I have so few opportunities to cook cold weather food and I love it when I can.  My oven has been going a lot in the last few days: banana bread, pumpkin custard, granola, and roasted chicken. I love roasted chicken and I would eat it […]

Happy Birthday, Little Girl

The Girl’s first birthday party was this weekend.  I know she had no idea it was her birthday, but the party was more for us than her.  We really wanted to celebrate the birth of our daughter since we weren’t really able to when she was born.  I invited family and a few close friends. […]

The Gingerbread House or Cookie Love, Part 2

The Boy was asking and asking to make a gingerbread house this year.  How could I say no?  Last year was the first year in about ten that I did not make one, since I was about seventeen months pregnant and not very willing to stand in the kitchen any longer than say…two minutes.  This […]

Cookie Love, Part 1

So I’m not much of a cookie baker apparently.  I love to cook.  I love to bake, even.  But I usually bake cakes, bread, and cheesecakes. Not many cookies.  My cookies always spread too much or burn.  The fact that you always have to keep running back to the oven to rotate the pans or […]