Archives for the ‘Seasonal Rhythms’ Category

Celebrating Fall :: Day 1

Fall seems a long way off down here in Florida.  I know that if I am patient, it will arrive eventually.  So here I wait.  I cleared off the summer nature table yesterday.  I replaced the sunny yellow silk with an autumnal orange one.  A small pumpkin, a handmade (hibernating) bear and a few pinecones […]

Summer Nature Table

Saying goodbye to summer, before the Equinox on Thursday. Beach treasures; a tangible record of our many beach days this summer. Treasures from our visit to Bear Mountain State Park in New York. Monarch butterfly that we found (dead) in our backyard. Looking forward to Fall, whenever it decides to pay us a visit!

this moment

Inspired by Amanda: {this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

The Summer Solstice, and Thoughts on The Spill

I pulled out some books last night to look for Solstice ideas for the kids.  Something to help signify the rhythm of the seasons.  But our upcoming New York trip combined with The Boy’s sixth birthday has me feeling really maxed out at the moment, and I didn’t plan anything to mark the occasion, as […]

Spring Nature Table

Hyacinths and glass rabbit. Bunny and wool felted egg with marble egg.  My first ever attempt at felting, using Nicole’s tutorial at Frontier Dreams.  You can see they came out a bit too thick but they get the job done! The wooden ewe and lamb the Daddy and I made for the Candlemas table. Bird, […]

Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

Here are the valentines The Boy and I made last Sunday while The Daddy Monkey and The Girl napped. It was a team effort, with Art Direction by The Boy.  Construction paper, glitter, and glue.  What could be better than that? Wishing you a warm St. Valentine’s Day, filled with love and chocolate!


Since we are now honoring more yearly rhythms in our family, (and really, who needs an excuse to celebrate?) we celebrated Candlemas/Imbolc/Groundhog Day yesterday.  Even though our celebration borrows a bit from many traditions, I have chosen to simply call it Candlemas.  Candlemas is a cross-quarter holiday, which means it falls at the midpoint between […]

Winter Nature Table

Since we’re about to clear out our winter nature table to make space for Candlemas, I thought I would share it here.  This is the first “official” nature table I have set up for the kids, and they loved it!  That’s the freesia we planted a few weeks ago.  I’m always amazed at how quickly […]

Waldorf and Humility

I think one of the most important traits that a parent can have is humility.  For me, that means being able to admit to my mistakes and see opportunities to do things better in the future.  To parent organically; always evolving to the needs of my ever-changing children. Lately, my mothering instincts have been leading […]

Planting Freesia

When we took down the Christmas tree this year, I bought some flower bulbs to plant to welcome the oncoming spring.  I prepared all my supplies ahead of time, and invited the kids to come in the backyard for a project.  I’m now learning that the key to keeping them happy and involved is to […]