Archives for the ‘Sewing’ Category

Love Birds

Decorating for Valentine’s Day seems somewhat silly until you have kids.  Marking the passage of time and seasons by celebrating as many holidays as possible is both fun and important in the lives of children. I wanted to make stuffed bird ornaments for Christmas, but all of my crafting time was spent making gifts for […]

The Roman

Dress up is big in our house.  The Boy always has some sort of outfit on, and it usually changes several times daily.  I’ve been known to take him to the store dressed as a knight, robot, astronaut, or whomever he happens to be that day. I don’t remember where The Boy’s love of Romans […]

The Finished Ragdoll

I did manage to get the doll finished in time for The Girl’s birthday.  Barely.  I was up until 11:30 p.m. the night before, but who’s counting? It was not the easiest project I have ever done, and I found myself muttering, “I’m never making another one of these.”  But I said that when I […]

Peter Pan

Here’s the Peter Pan costume I made for The Boy for Christmas.  (From my own pattern.)  He loved it.  For some reason I forgot to slip the little sword into the belt when I took the picture, but there’s a little wooden sword that goes with it.  This was a very big deal as The […]

Ragdoll for The Girl

I was originally planning on making The Girl’s Big Girl Quilt for her first birthday, but let’s just say time got away from me.  I had been working on it a little bit, but I just wasn’t feeling the love for the way the wonky log cabin pattern was looking with the fabrics I had […]